With the plethora of choices available today it can be difficult if not impossible to determine the best approach when dealing with upgrades to any aspect of you Porsche. While many seem too good to be true, most are. The market is full of “snake oil” salesmen all pushing there wares, many with no practical experience with what they are selling,let alone what you are driving. At EPE we've had tremendous success in every form of racing we have undertaken in partnership with our many professional and amateur clients.
Over the years and through the use of scientific measurements, lap time and feedback from experienced professional as well as some of the best amateur drivers, we have been able to separate true performance enhancing parts and techniques from the often performance degrading modifications and for lack of a better word,”junk”that is currently on the market.
We offer tried and true, tested and proven parts from well known and some not so well know suppliers. We install all of the fine product that we sell and therefore can guarantee that you get all of the performance that you paid for. EPE will never use a client as the guinea pig for any product or upgrade. On occasion, a client might want to try something new, a product or technique we have little or no experience with. In that case we will work with that client to insure that he or she is never put in an unsafe situation and will always take whatever steps necessary to insure their safety at all times.